jdowl10 4th August 2011

Mom, 4 years ago today was by far the WORST day of my life. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you and just cry. It still doesn't feel real...it feels as though one day you will be back....like if you're on a really long vacation since you LOVED to travel. My heart still aches everyday, and I swear it hasn't gotten easier for me. There's so much that has happened in my life and I wish you were here to experience life's events with me as well as Jayden and Devin. I swore today was going to be just like every other day, as hard as can be, but it's just been 10 times worse today than any other day. I remember our last moments in the hospital with you, and how I kept telling you that I loved you as much as I possibly could and you kept saying it back to me until...you no longer responded :( I continue to reminisce about you with others as well as Jayden. Jayden and I constantly remind Devin who you were. When I ask Devin where is Nana, he points up to the sky and says "UP THERE IN HEAVEN!" lol. We go to the cemetery all the time and both Jayden and Devin kneel down and kiss your grave. Even though you don't know Devin, I'm sure you two have a special bond. So, today is YOUR day and will be filled with TONS of memories...we will see you later at the cemetery. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MOM!!!! I know Jayden and Devin love you sooo much too!!!!! Wish you could come back...I really do :( Love Always and Forever, Jen, Jayden, & Devin XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO